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Espronceda Center for Art & Culture

Espronceda Center for Art & CultureEspronceda Center for Art & CultureEspronceda Center for Art & Culture

Centre d\'Exposition


Exposition del 14/11/2017 al 23/11/2017 Terminé


A collective exhibition with 10 artists living in Barcelona

Marta Juvanteny, Lucia Royo, Juano Ortiz, Monica Plans, Teresa Pera, Hannah Berestizhevsky, Yosman Botero, Alejandro Palacín, Irene Bou and Mireia de Juan, we are a group of artists that coincided at the Master’s Degree in Artistic Production and Research in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona. During this period we had the opportunity to share spaces, experiences and concerns.

Inauguración 14-11-2017  a  las 19 h.



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