Home > Noticias > Vienna Contemporary 2017. 21 - 24 September


Vienna Contemporary 2017. 21 - 24 September




We are happy to announce the highlights from the special projects at viennacontemporary 2017 


Focus: Hungary | Curator: József Mélyi


The exhibition is dedicated to the Hungarian neo-avant-garde of the 1960s and 1970s. Starting from the development of the unofficial art scene of the neo-avant-garde in Hungary of the early 1960s, the presentation attempts to raise awareness for the various movements that existed in Hungary at the time.

The exhibition is conceived by 3 Budapest galleries, acb GalleryKisterem, and Vintage Gallery.


Solo & Sculpture | Curator: Miguel Wandschneider


Miguel Wandschneider presents his selection of the most significant representatives in the field of sculpture: 

Werner Feiersinger I Galerie Martin Janda
Koenraad Dedobbeleer I Gesellschaft für projektive Ästhetik
Michael E. Smith I KOW
Bruno Gironcoli | Galerie Krinzinger
Belén Uriel I Galeria Madragoa
Joëlle Tuerlinckx I Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder
Ana Santos I Galeria Quadrado Azul
Alexandre Estrela I Travesia Cuatro
Suchan Kinoshita I Galerie Nadja Vilenne


ZONE 1 | Curator: Marlies Wirth


Featuring ten positions of artists below 40, who were born or educated in Austria, this year’s ZONE1 brings together precise solo showcases to form a multilayered presentation of contemporary artworks. 

As in recent years, the Austrian Federal Chancellery is supporting the participation of young artists from Austria in ZONE1.




Peter Jellitsch | Galerie Clemens Gunzer
Maria Anwander & Ruben Aubrecht | Galerie Lisi Hämmerle
Thilo Jenssen | KOENIG2
Theresa Eipeldauer | KROBATH
Flora Hauser | Galerie Meyer Kainer
Christian Falsnaes | PSM Gallery
Florian Schmidt | Philipp von Rosen
Samuel Schaab | unttld contemporary
Sarah Pichlkostner | Galerie Hubert Winter
Kay Walkowiak | Zeller van Almsick


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Fuente: Vienna Contemporary


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