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FNB Joburg Art Fair 2017

FNB Joburg Art Fair 2017

Sandton Convention Centre
8 - 10 September 2017

Our 10th-anniversary edition of the FNB JoburgArtFair will celebrate the legacy of our art community while projecting the future of Contemporary African Art. We're excited to celebrate with our artists, our galleries this year with highlights that include an exhibition by the 2017 Featured Artist Robin Rhode, special projects Modern exhibition entitled “Truth, or some other abstraction’ by Special Projects Guest Curator Zoe Whitley of Tate Modern, London.


08 - 10 SEPTEMBER 2017

Opening & Closing Times 
Friday: 11:00am - 20:00pm 
Saturday: 11:00am - 18:00pm 
Sunday: 11:00am - 17:00pm

Ticket Prices 
R500 - Opening night (limited quantities available) 
R150 - Single Day Pass 
R250 - Weekend Pass

Sandton Convention Centre 
161 Maude St, Sandton, Johannesburg

Image: Featured Artist Robin Rhode, 'Black Friday', 2016, courtesy of Stevenson Gallery

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Image: Featured Artist Robin Rhode, 'Black Friday', 2016, courtesy of Stevenson Gallery















FNB Joburg Art Fair 2017


Fuente: FNB Joburg Art Fair


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