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Documenta 14 Learning from Athens


a documenta 14 Film Program on ERT2


Watch in August

Keimena #34

Monday August 7, 24:00
Rak ti Khon Kaen (Cemetery of Splendour), 2015, Germany/ France/UK/Thailand, 122 min.
Director: Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Introduction: David Teh

Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s seventh feature film is set in a provincial city in Thailand, where soldiers on a construction site come down with a strange sleeping sickness. A friendship develops between two of their carers, who discover that the digging has disturbed an ancient royal cemetery. This bewitching film shows a world where the dead revisit us like old friends, and that what we bury does not stay in the ground forever.

Keimena #35

Monday August 14, 24:00
Louomenoi (Bathers), 2008, Greece, 46 min.
Director: Eva Stefani
Introduction: Maria Oikonomou

Eva Stefani’s Bathers tells the touching story of the men and women who return every summer to Greece’s medicinal spas. Shot in 2008, the film records a specific historical moment, but also hints at the span of decades as the characters repeat an annual pilgrimage. The sense of freedom and joy is tempered by the awareness of passing years.

Keimena #36

Monday August 21, 24:00
Golden Eighties, 1986, France/Belgium/Switzerland, 96 min.
No Home Movie, 2015, Belgium/France, 115 min.
Director: Chantal Akerman
Introduction: Dieter Roelstraete

Chantal Akerman' final feature film, No Home Movie, is a loving, heart-rending portrait of her mother at the end of her life. It is paired here with the altogether lighter Golden Eighties, a witty and romantic musical comedy which explores a daughter’s love for her mother.

Keimena #37

Monday August 28, 24:00
Lmuja (The Wave), 2015, Algeria, 37 min.
Director: Omar Belkacemi
Introduction: Filipa Ramos 

The Wave by Omar Belkacemi tells the story of an Algerian journalist who returns from Europe to report on an epidemic of suicides in his native country. He moves in with his sister, whose husband is one of many Algerians to have recently lost their job. In this portrait of a family in crisis, we see the impacts of global economic policy on vulnerable individuals.

The films will be available on webtv.ert.gr within Greece for seven days after each broadcast.


Mondays at midnight from December 19, 2016 to September 18, 2017

Keimena is a weekly broadcast of films presented by the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT), curated by Hila Peleg and Vassily Bourikas, and organized by documenta 14. By relying for its presentation on ERT, Greece’s public television broadcaster, the project aims to extend documenta 14’s scope into viewers’ homes, imagining and constituting new and different publics.

Keimena’s program focuses on the fields of experimental documentary and fiction, presenting films whose approaches and topics engage social, political, and poetic concerns, and whose concepts, themes, and positions are in dialogue with the overall curatorial visions of documenta 14.

The program includes films dating back to the 1970s, recent productions, and new films commissioned by documenta 14. All of them tackle contemporary issues pertinent to life in Greece and elsewhere in times of economic hardship and social unrest.

The films are preceded by short introductory texts by international writers.


Details about the programs for the months August–September 2017 will be announced via this newsletter on a regular basis. For more information please visit the website of documenta 14.


Fuente: Documenta 14


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