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Do You Know the Eight Great Water Features at The Met?

Do You Know the Eight Great Water Features at The Met?
With so much to see, you might not be aware of each unique water feature to be found around The Met Fifth Avenue. Besides the well-known reflecting pool at the Temple of Dendur, there are seven other water features. Some are quiet and still, while others activate the space with sound and movement. Have you seen all eight?

Click: THE MET

Finding The Met in The Theater of Disappearance's Surreal Party
Department of Modern and Contemporary Art
Plant Bible Revival: The Conservation of a 15th-Century Herbal, Then and Now
Thomas J. Watson Library
Performance as Escape: Léon Bakst and the Ballets Russes
Department of Drawings and Prints
But First, Coffee: Caffè Greco and the Beginnings of Italian Photography
Department of Photographs
Coney Island's "Alien Esculent": Hot Dogs

Fuente: The Met


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