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Tasneem Gallery

Tasneem Gallery

Centre d´exposició

Galería de arte TASNEEM GALLERY falta foto


Exposició del 09/04/2017 al 30/04/2017 Acabada


André Wallace is a successful sculptor whose career has seen him deliver many major commissions for the public realm alongside a studio practice that spans printmaking, drawing and sculptural works.

The sculptures are highly organised and paired down but own a beauty, mystery and spiritual presence. Accessible yet intriguing, the imagery is timeless and of a scale that provokes a myriad of emotions.The work is about transformation, change and the passage of time. Figures encapsulated in vessels suggest a spiritual journey, an arrival or departure or rite of passage.

The materials used communicate different states of being; from the heaviness, and permanence of stone or cast iron and the ethereal and translucent qualities of resin. The works on paper that are integral to this series range from small etchings to large-scale drawings and strike a tension of scale and dialogue with the three dimensional works.

Presently he is working on an installation with two musicians which brings together a series of six sculptures with an integral suite of six specially commissioned and integrated sound compositions.The sound pools surrounding each sculpture, will enhance the enigmatic nature of the artworks drawing the person ever closer to look, feel,



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