Home > Exposiciones de BARCELONA > Galerias de Barcelona > SIDE GALLERY




Exploring the elements of light and reflection, Catalan artist Daniel Steegmann Mangrané has collaborated with Side Gallery to produce a series of blown glass chandeliers, tracing the boundary of nature and artifice. The intervention holds a powerful force of attraction: a moment of uncertainty between what is contrived and what is natural. In each of the artist´s intricate compositions, we are able to experience this concept, far from being distinct, the organic and the geometric, the necessary and the abstract, define each other. 

Based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mangrané´s work encompasses different formats based on subtle and poetic experimentation that questions the relationship between language and the world. His creations illustrate a concern with existence and the specific characteristics of objects, at the same time activating abstract language to generate thought, while using the idea of unstable meaning and dematerialized constructions as a way of addressing questions concerning the “object”.




Información y contacto:

  LLULL, 109
       08005 Barcelona (ES)

  Tipo de arte: Contemporáneo/Contemporàni

Coordenadas GPS: 41.39709, 2.19672

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