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Sala Parés

Sala Parés

Centre d\'Exposition

Galería de arte SALA PARÉS


Exposition del 05/12/2017 al 13/02/2018 Terminé


Atención a esta expo conmemorativa de los 140 años de la Sala Parés.

Muchísimas felicidades!

SALA PARÉS  Carrer Petritxol, 5  Barcelona


This exhibition celebrates the 140 years of activity of Sala Parés, the art gallery with the longest trajectory in Spain.

The exhibition, curated by Dr. Sergio Fuentes Milà, is a journey that evokes the different moments of the gallery, from its foundation as a gallery in 1877, until 1988, when it adopts a different sign because of the generational change in the direction and architectural remodeling.

The story is arranged chronologically and it is divided into three stages, in which some of the most significant artists are represented.

Que una galeria d?art barcelonina compleixi 140 anys d?activitat permanent és un fet remarcable, especialment en el context de l?any 2017.

Catalogue       click: https://goo.gl/Yu9qNB

De martes a viernes de 10.30-14 h y de 16-20 h.
Sábados de 10.30-14 h y de 16.30-20.30 h.
Domingos de Octubre a Junio de 11.30-14h.
Parking: Plaza de la Catedral



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